I am Weiming Feng (凤维明), an Assistant Professor at the School of Computing and Data Science at The University of Hong Kong. Prior to this, I held postdoctoral positions at the Institute for Theoretical Studies at ETH Zürich, the Simons Institute at UC Berkeley, and the School of Informatics at The University of Edinburgh. I received my Ph.D. from Nanjing University in June 2021, where I was advised by Prof. Yitong Yin. Before that, I obtained my B.Eng. degree in Network Engineering from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in June 2016.
My research interest lies in theoretical computer science. Currently, I focus on sampling and counting algorithms. Classic topics include Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, spatial mixing of Gibbs distributions and computational phase transitions. I am also interested in their applications in statistics and learning theory.
Email: wfeng AT hku DOT hk & fwm1994 AT gmail DOT com
Here is my CV
PDF Slides@ICALP Slides@ADYN_SummerSchool Heng's slides Heng's talk
PDF Slides@USTC Poster@MIT Heng's slides Heng's talk Jiaheng's slides Chunyang's slides
PDF Talk@Simons Poster@Zinal Slides@Zinal Slides@PKU Jiaheng's slides
PDF Talk@FOCS Poster@HALG Slides@FOCS Slides@Oxford Slides@UCSB
PDF Talk@STOC Talk@IJTCS Slides@STOC Slides@ICT_CAS Heng's slides Heng's talk